The Post production and sound design process was primarily lead by the nature of Heuristic Mixing. During a talk on sound effects design, Video Game Sound Designer Nick Dixon explained that this type of mixing is lead by intuitive judgements, or in other words by creativity and personal sonic perception. Another useful technique that Nick spoke about was frequency dips which are part of Frequency mixing. Freq. Mixing involves the removal of some frequencies so others can stand out, as opposed to just raising or lowering the volume. I adopted this technique during some stages of the mixing process of the tracks.
The structure the of the process in this case would be the capture of the sound -> editing of the audio elements -> mixing it the way you want it to sound ->analyzing what you did and why -> reviewing the effect and moving on to the next one.
Nick also spoke about perceptive volume where priority is given to perceptually louder sounds. In our project’s case the main sound is the Narration, everything else is lead by the voice, consequentially within the soundscape itself perceptive volume has been applied to several aspects that can be heard beneath the Vocal tracks.